Welcome to the School of Production Accounting

Your pathway to a career in the entertainment industry.

We provide training in the unique and lucrative field of Production Accounting for film and television.

The amount of film and television production has increased enormously to fill the needs of the ever-expanding subscription channels and streaming services. Just think of all the programming choices you have today versus what was available 10 years ago.

Simply put – there are too many jobs and not enough people trained to fill them. This expansion has resulted in an extreme shortage of qualified personnel.

  • Entry-level Clerks

  • 2nd Assistants to handle paying vendors and reconciling purchasing cards

  • 1st Assistants to meet the studio or financier needs and supervise the accounting team

  • Payroll Accountants and Assistants to ensure the cast and crew are paid accurately and on time.

  • Key Accountants responsible for budgeting, cost reporting and managing all financial matters for the production.

We intend to address the shortage on several fronts:

  • Invite successful finance professionals in other fields to adapt their existing skill-set to production accounting.

  • Encourage high school and college students to direct their career path to production accounting.

  • Provide training to support career advancement for existing production accounting professionals.

  • Empower students from diverse and underserved communities giving them access to a career in entertainment.

To learn more, please select one of the two buttons below

Student if you want more information to see if this might be the right career for you and to learn about the courses.

Sponsor if you want more information about how to support SPA and provide opportunities for our graduates.
