• Are you looking to hire someone for your accounting team who already knows the basic skills and can hit the ground running on day one?

  • Do you want to save yourself the time and energy it takes to bring a person who is new to production accounting up-to-speed on the unique aspects of what we do?

  • How about hiring someone who already knows the digital tools we use? One who has experience working digitally with PDF documents and cloud-based filing systems?

If that sounds good to you, then you definitely want to hire a SPA graduate!

Our graduates not only completed the coursework, but had to achieve an overall score of 75% or better to become a graduate.

Most are graduating with 90% or better!

We have a diverse group of graduates from all over the US (not just LA, NY and Atlanta) and even from Canada.

I know how overwhelming it can be to get a ton of emails from unqualified candidates jamming your inbox.

By using the HIRE A GRADUATE form below, you will connect with well-trained and motivated SPA graduates ready to get to work.

Your job will be sent to our graduates within moments after you submit your post.


(Remember – the more information you provide, the better your chances of finding the right fit!)