
Would you enjoy working in Production Accounting?

  • Have you ever wished you could be part the entertainment industry?

  • Would you enjoy seeing your name in the credits at the end of a film or TV show?

  • Do you like working with numbers in an orderly fashion, but crave a bit of excitement and adventure?

  • Do you like meeting and working with new people from many walks of life?

  • Do you consider yourself a life-long learner and take on new challenges with enthusiasm?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may have found a great career path.

people-happy about production accounting

 What is Production Accounting?

  • Specialized team that handles all financial matters for the production of a specific film or television project.

  • They provide the current financial status to empower the Producers to make well-informed decisions in real time.

  • A vital part of every production, they work hand-in-hand with Producers and the Studio (or company providing the funding).

  • Hired project-by-project, they work wherever the project is shooting – be that on a studio lot, or distant location, or even a foreign country.

Although it involves all the basics of good bookkeeping, it is an exclusive field and requires specialized training to adapt quickly and aid in your success.

The School of Production Accounting was founded by Ida Lee Henderson, a veteran of both film and television production, to provide job specific training for those who might not have otherwise known of or had access to this field within the entertainment industry; to bring talented people from diverse backgrounds into this fulfilling profession.

diverse group of people working on a film production set

Mission Statement

To provide quality training programs in all aspects of Production Accounting that will certify highly qualified financial professionals for the entertainment industry and thereby enhance the quality not only of the financial reporting, but the quality of production as a whole.

To provide an opportunity for participants world-wide to train and enter the field of Production Accounting for the entertainment industry leading to successful and lucrative careers.

How Will SPA Conduct Training?

people gather in-front of presentation
  • Catering to working professionals, courses will be held nights, weekends, or video classes on-demand.

  • Training will be “hand’s on,” using apps and performing new skills in a simulated environment.

  • Classes will be held live in a classroom, live via Zoom, or via an interactive on-line learning system.

  • Students will also be expected to schedule 2 to 6 hours per week outside of classtime to complete homework tasks.

  • Advanced training to become a Key Accountant or Payroll Accountant will be a series of courses or modules, all of which must be completed successfully to obtain certification.

 Planned Courses

Our inaugural course, “Getting Into Production Accounting,” is available NOW!

This entry-level course will teach you all you need to know to get started on your career in production accounting right away.

For information about the course and how to enroll - Click “Yes, I’m interested” below.


** Please note – The course curriculum beyond Entry-Level is still under development.  Stay tuned for future course dates. **

  • Training in all the basics to start as a General Clerk, AP Clerk, or Payroll Clerk. Learn the tasks and terminology used in Production Accounting and how to be an effective member of the crew.

  • Training in accounts payable, vendor relationships, purchasing cards, petty cash, mastering paperless systems and communication skills – all coursework specific to these functions as performed for production in the entertainment industry.

  • Training to include complying with studio or financier requirements and reporting, banking tasks, effective supervision and team building, office management, and building relationships with department heads.

  • Training in payroll from A to Z, focused classes on specific contracts (SAG, DGA, WGA, SVOD, ASA, etc.), working effectively with payroll providers, transitioning to and best practices for digital systems, and communication skills.

  • Budgeting from inception to locked budget, applied payroll knowledge, effective cost reporting, building your team/hiring, communication skills, and managing in a paperless environment.
